
Eimi teaches individual and group piano instruction to children and adult students of all ages and levels in New York City.  At New York University, she provided individual instruction to undergraduates in both jazz and classical piano as an adjunct faculty Piano Professor. Since then, she has expanded her teaching studio in New York City, and has taught after school piano classes at P.S.59 and P.S.3 in Manhattan, as well as at the River School in Hoboken. She currently teaches only private students, and enjoys incorporating various genres of repertoire, and includes music theory, ear-training, classical and improvisational techniques to make lessons a unique and fun experience. Annual recitals are held every spring for all students. 

  • Have lessons right in your home
  • Reasonable rates ($60-$80) which vary per lesson length and location. Discounts available for siblings or friends sharing a lesson
  • Free initial consultation to make sure your child is ready for piano lessons and to assess the best method to be used
  • You must have a keyboard or piano in your home for lessons and practicing
  • Children ages 4-5 have unique methods and requirements, and may require the parent or guardian to attend each lesson
  • Beginners will learn piano basics; advanced players can study Classical, Jazz, or Contemporary Styles

Rates vary depending on the duration and location of the lesson. Please contact me for detailed information.

Student Resources

What are the benefits of learning music? How and why should we practice? 

page coming soon